Tuesday, November 22, 2011

all that's sacred #86

Pearl Jam wraps their tour south of the border on Thursday with a Thanksgiving fiesta in Mexico City. Unless they have some last minute change of heart for a hometown anniversary gig, this will effectively put the exclamation point on the year that has been PJ20.

This week also marks the beginning of the holiday season here in the States. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer, and the weather is getting crappier. Time for a little reflection and congregation. ATS #86 is a listener-suggested theme for such an occasion.

Thanks for the continued interest and participation in this here podcast. The ATS experiment remains high on the list of what I'm grateful for this holiday weekend. Wishing everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving.

Cheers! Donny

Sunday, November 6, 2011

all that's sacred #85

Well, it's that time of year again... Election day is Tuesday and I thought I'd try a little experiment with U.S. political history to inform and inspire. I'll let you listen and decide whether it ultimately works or not. For me the exercise showed that for as much as things have progressed and changed in this country, too many things continue to stay the same. That might be enough temptation for some to let their apathy overcome them and sit this election out. I have a hard time resigning myself to the notion that my vote doesn't matter. I'll be educating myself and making my voice heard and I encourage you to do the same.

Thanks for listening and hope you enjoy ATS #85.

Cheers! Donny

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

all that's sacred #84

Ed is appearing at Neil Young's annual Bridge School Benefit this weekend at Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, CA. If you're not lucky enough to be there in person, you can apparently stream online here. You can also support the cause and relive highlights from years past with a new 25th Anniversary DVD and CD release available 10/24. Here on ATS #84, we're revisiting some of PJ's many BSB appearances dating back to 1992.

Despite taking place in a giant outdoor amphitheater, PJ's sets at Bridge always feel pretty organic and intimate. I think part of that is due to Neil's insistence that all the music be performed stripped-down and acoustic. This leads to some pretty cool renditions, experimentations, and collaborations.

Ultimately what makes Bridge so special are the kids that the event is recognizing and benefiting. They are present and active participants throughout the weekend and share the stage with all the bands. Neil and his wife Pegi should be commended and proud of the work they've done to create such a cool a event for such a worthy cause. You can learn more about the Bridge School and how to support on their website.

Cheers! Donny

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

all that's sacred #83

Even though it's downtime between tour legs, the guys appear to be keeping pretty busy. I imagine they want to stay on top of their game in anticipation of November and the upcoming South American tour. 2005 set the bar pretty high. I wasn't at any of those shows nor am I able to attend any of these upcoming gigs. Regardless, I am a huge fan of the energy on those bootlegs and recognize that this next leg is sure to be another event and spectacle. I'm thinking they maybe saved the best for last in closing out this year that has been PJ20.

Enjoy #83 as we catch up and prepare.

Olé! Donny

Sunday, September 25, 2011

all that's sacred #82

Having fully digested the PJ20 book, movie, and soundtrack, I'm feeling pretty nostalgic as I look forward to Vancouver tonight. No more reason needed to fire up the microphone and bring you ATS #82. Hope you enjoy it and hope you are enjoying this 20 year celebration as much as I am.

Cheers! Donny

Saturday, September 3, 2011

all that's sacred #81

This podcast is probably best enjoyed in the same manner it was recorded - with a drink in hand. This for a couple of reasons... Mainly, it's the PJ20 weekend which is cause for celebration! Just the reports trickling in from the usual suspects leave little doubt that this event will be one to remember.

However, not everyone can be there and that is cause for commiseration. I, like many of you, could not make the pilgrimage to Alpine Valley. The last few days have been a vicious cycle of checking various sites for details, expressing regret that I didn't sell plasma and cut coupons to find a way to be there, and then scheming ways for a last minute trip that would financially ruin me. Oh yeah, and all the while imbibing copious amounts of alcohol. Ultimately, I figured it would be a lot more productive and even therapeutic to dust off the mic and reconnect with a new episode.

ATS #81 is a musical time line of all my initial favorite songs from each respective album. Picking an absolute favorite Pearl Jam song is an impossible task. If you are like me, it changes depending on your mood and what is going on is your life at the moment. These tunes are the ones that had an immediate resonance for me with each record release. Some were eventually trumped by another song that grew on me but many remain my PJ catalog stalwarts. I also try to find my podcast sea legs in providing some commentary and tired rambling. 

So join me in raising a glass and toasting in celebration of the last 20 years and commiserating amongst friends!

Cheers! Donny

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

all that's sacred #80

So I took a bit of an unplanned hiatus and after six weeks away, ATS returns to the year that is PJ20 at a fever pitch. If you found yourself here, then chances are pretty good that you don't need many details of all that's going down. But in case you need a refresher, you can visit the ATS Twitter and Facebook pages, our friends at Two Feet Thick and The Sky I Scrape - and most importantly, the official PJ20 site!

Amid all this excitement, this week also marks the second anniversary of All That's Sacred! Granted the last year has been a little inconsistent, but I'm happy to still be here maintaining a presence in the Pearl Jam fan community. Thanks for the continued support and encouragement. While #80 is less ambitious than the penultimate #52 first anniversary podcast, I hope you tune in, enjoy, and celebrate - celebrate the podcast, celebrate each other as fans, celebrate the music and experience that is Pearl Jam.

Cheers! Donny

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

all that's sacred #79

Photo credit: Anna Knowlden
So far this year, it has been all about the side projects. For the moment, the guys seem focused on expressing themselves through different avenues before reuniting later this year to celebrate PJ20 properly. That being the case and being such a fan of all the guy's musical contributions outside Pearl Jam, I thought ATS #79 was the perfect opportunity to take a listen to what was, what is, and what will be in this sonic arena. Some excellent music to be explored - especially for the uninitiated.

In the immediate future, we have Flight To Mars blowing the roof off the Showbox this Friday benefiting CCFA and Advocacy For Patients. This night has become one of the highlights of my year and you owe it to yourself to be there if you are anywhere near the Seattle area.

Trust everyone is well and psyched for the EV solo tour to hold us over through the summer. Here's hoping Ten Club dishes the dirt soon on the PJ20 festivities so we can all plan the rest of our year.

Cheers! Donny

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

all that's sacred #78

With all the chatter of movies and DVDs, I thought it was an opportune time to revisit an idea we first explored just over a year ago: the many musical contributions to film soundtracks by Pearl Jam, Eddie Vedder, and various side projects. Granted, this is kind of an easy theme but it felt right and even somewhat topical. Most importantly, it was already almost completely sketched out in my show ideas file. Regardless, it's a nice representation of PJ's influence on the movie-going experience over the last 20 years and I thought it came together well.

Friendly reminder: this weekend is the Wishlist Team McCready Global Fundraiser! Please check for one in your neighborhood and come hang with your fellow PJ freaks for a good cause. If you are anywhere near Seattle, attendance is MANDATORY!

See you there and hope you enjoy #78.

Cheers! Donny


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

all that's sacred #77

One thing I love about music is its ability to inspire a myriad of emotions: happiness, excitement, affection, anger, resolve, you could go on and on... But I think the one thing that sets music apart from all other artforms is its ability to heal and empathize when you are struggling and in a dark place. Somehow knowing that another has walked a similar path can be of great comfort.

Today's ATS was motivated by a letter from an old friend congratulating me on my return to the podcast and commiserating about the current job market. At one point in the letter, he joked that maybe I should do an unemployment-themed podcast someday. Given the origins of ATS, I thought this was an idea worth pursuing. These musical expressions on #77 have always helped me process things mentally and emotionally and have been great friends to me over the years.

Cheers! Donny

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

all that's sacred #76

We haven't had any guests on the podcast since before the hiatus. With the Team McCready Global Event right around the corner, I asked friend and organizer, Lisa Cressman, to join me on ATS to discuss this event inspired by our favorite axeman.

Additionally, we explore some of Mike's tastiest licks through his work with Pearl Jam and various side projects. If you own a bucket, you probably want to go grab it and hold it underneath your chin because ATS #76 might just melt your face off!

Cheers! Donny

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

all that's sacred #75

A lot of guys have sat behind the kit for Pearl Jam over the last 20 years and all have made significant contributions to the band's musical output. It was suggested some time ago to take a concentrated listen to each. This isn't a debate or a comparison, but rather an appreciation for what each guy brought to the band during their tenure.

Enjoy #75.

Cheers! Donny

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

all that's sacred #74

Still regaining my sea legs here, but glad to be back behind the mic. Since my abrupt, unplanned hiatus from the podcast, I've heard from many of you offering encouragement and inquiring about the future of ATS. Recently I came across an outline I was working on way back when and figured the timing was right to give it another go.

Thanks for the continued interest and support. The year that is PJ20 is off to a promising start and it's my hope that ATS can once again be a place to come together and celebrate the Pearl Jam fan experience.

Cheers! Donny