Wednesday, October 14, 2009

all that's sacred #22

Not a whole lot of new news to report and so we are going to take the opportunity to get caught up on some awesome listener requests on episode#22. I make mention of it on the podcast, but I also wanted to reiterate my gratitude here to all of you for your incredible suggestions for the upcoming Philly and rant episodes. I’ve gotten a HUGE response and as a result, I think we are going to have to do 2 episodes dedicated to the 4 night stand in Philly!

Next week on #23, we are featuring music from past Camden, NJ performances (almost Philly). Then the following week on episode #24, we will feature requests from past Philadelphia performances with the podcast falling right in the middle of the run to close the doors on the Spectrum. Considering the significance of the occasion and considering how Pearl Jam wrapped the western leg of the tour, it’s sure to be an epic event! I hope the podcast can help amp the lucky ones in some small way.

Thanks again for all the feedback and the help – it’s always so much appreciated. Hit me up via email and Twitter and check out our new home on Facebook. Enjoy #22.

Cheers! Donny

The Real Me – 9/22/09 Seattle, WA
Breakerfall – This Day in PJ History – 10/14/00 Woodlands, TX
Supersonics – 9/22/09 Seattle, WA
Marker In The Sand – 6/25/08 New York, NY
Breath – 9/22/05 Halifax, NS
Wild Thing – Six Degrees of PJ: X
Devil Doll – EV w/ Supersuckers
Present Tense – 6/24/08 New York, NY


Brendan said...

great podcast as always, i almost saw the who live but daughtery had bronchitis and the show as cancelled. I saw Roger Waters instead though :),. Can't wait for the philly podcasts and the show!

All That's Sacred said...

Thanks, Brendan. I think you're gonna like #23! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Great show, I gotta say you should of played "I mUst Not tHiNk BaD thOUghts" by PJ from LA 06.... Best live pj song ever maybe....

an x cover....

Anonymous said...

Btw, Tim Robbins is amazing on that version. Shawshank Redemption had nothing on that!

All That's Sacred said...

The beautiful thing is that there's always another podcast... I'll be sure to get that tune on one in the future. Thanks for the suggestion and thanks for listening!

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful thing, I would shit myself if I heard that on this podcast! hahaha

Dr. Robert

Sandy B Ande said...

Loved X's Wild Thing!! Rawr!

Unknown said...

Jeff Plays like an ox on that Who tune! I dig it!

Unknown said...

I love Ed's Voice on "Devil Doll".